Volunteer story: Giving back as a passion and as a way of life
My friends ask me many times why I am so super excited about building computer labs or putting girls into school in the rural areas of Ghana. They wonder if this is some kind of “the white man's guilt” and my answer is a simple “NO!”. They also wonder what can one person to do for saving the world, because there is so much work to be done. Yes, I know I can’t change the world myself, but maybe I can change the world for one single child. Or several children by giving them the opportunity to learn, to educate themselves, to access information what they need to excel. I believe that if we can give the needed tools and the access to the needed information, then these children will make the best out of it.
We are living in a very crazy world today with bad news coming via every channel. All the good news seems to disappear under this and actually it is good news that we need to hear instead of all this madness of negativity. Honestly, the state of the world we are leaving for the next generations is not a good one. The next generations have serious problems they need to solve. For doing this they need to educate themselves in the best possible way – this means the greater number of young people have access to proper data to educate themselves, the better changes we actually have to solve these massive issues in the future.
Every journey starts with the first step and the best trips are the ones with a purpose. I have traveled a lot and seen many amazing things. I have also witnessed some things that were so bad that they made my soul cry out for injustice. I salute all the brave people in the world who are working hard to change things for better. There is too much hate in the world and everyone has the equal opportunity to make their own personal decision on how to react and how to feel. We are all human and we all have a heart. And sometimes you just need to follow your heart and do the right thing.
Some wise man has said that the road to hell is covered with good intentions – and pumping money into Africa is a waste because of the corruption and dirty politics. I have read many reports and seen many scandalous news articles about this, but honestly speaking it is not only an African problem. When digging deeper down we can see the same greed and selfishness in the western world, too. But I don’t want to focus on the negative, because at the end of the day it doesn’t get us any closer to the needed solutions. I believe in sustainable development, where each party brings their part to the common good.
We all have great resources and skills what we can give. And we all can learn from each other’s. We all have something positive to share and to give – sometimes it is money or other assets, sometimes it is guidance and mentoring, sometimes it is just time to listen and to be compassionate. They say “Time is money!!!” so giving your time is also very valuable, right?
I have been working with some great individuals from Ghana and I am grateful for all the things I have learned from them, all their time and friendliness they have shared with me, all the new adventures and experiences they have given to me, and so many other things. This journey has taught me a lot and will continue to do so in the future. I have changed as a person, I have grown as a person and I have realized what in life is important and valuable. And isn’t this the purpose of life?
My friends in the local Ghanaian NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Adanu have an amazing mission statement about how to create sustainable development.
We believe in EMPOWERMENT, not CHARITY…
We believe that EDUCATION leads to POSSIBILITY…
We believe that COLLABORATION creates COMMUNITY…
It took me three volunteering trips to Ghana before I started to understand this, because during my first trips I always felt that I could do so much more. I felt a bit stupid when carrying sand with the local community members under the hot African sun or when trying to built walls next to experienced masons. I was amazed by the friendliness and love from the local community members, which always made me want to do even more. But at the end of the day, it is not about me as a single volunteer, it is all about the local community and its members building their children a better future. And when they receive volunteers from abroad it also motives them and it brings out the best of the community. The smiles are genuine and the friendship is real. And this changes your opinions about many things and develops you as a person.
Some of my friends also ask why I want to sponsor girl’s education; shouldn’t I also give to the boys? Well, when you educate a young man you might get one excellent resource, but when you educate a young girl, then you will educate a generation. Because this educated young woman will make sure that all her children will also get an education. So, this way your help will also reach the next generations and become sustainable development.
What brings me the greatest feeling is when I see the beneficiaries (people who received good) return to give back with volunteering or donations to help other people. So, giving good to people who can in their turn go and do good. This is the Circle of Good and we can all be part of it. People are amazing and there is goodness in all of us.