Upwards bound for excellence seminars
We organise seminars for students in Junior and Senior High Schools dabbed "Upwards Bound for Excellence Seminar." We use this wonderful platform to connect students to young achievers thriving in their various fields of work despite their humble beginnings for mentoring. This is to keep students in school and motivated to work hard and reach their dreams. We also use this seminar to identify and support teen mothers who have return to school and girls from underprivileged homes and support them.
Activities at the seminar includes:
Speed mentoring where they get inspired by fellow women.
Presentations on various topics.
Videos/Skype calls with women virtual mentors local and abroad who advice and answer questions bothering our girls pertaining their dream careers.
Breakout sections for group counselling.
Topics we speak on includes but not limited to:
Know your power and worth as a young lady
Making the best out of education
Be the change you want to see
Building a Good Self Image/Confidence
Social Media and its Effect on Education (pros and cons)
Career Choices and related Courses