Making a difference
Dream it.
Joycelyn is back to school after a long break which she surely is super excited about. We know her new routine of attending classes, prep and other school activities is a dream come true for her. Joycelyn is one of the beneficiaries of our Girls Education Support 2019. It couldn't be more fun as matriculation into Ada College of Education awaits her shortly.
"I promise to take heed to the advices you have given me and would make a good use of this opportunity. I am grateful for this opportunity," said Joycelyn.
We are very thankful to @Send A Smile for helping us make her dream a reality. Her passion and determination proves that, when teen mothers are given the chance to access higher education, they would strive to have a better life and opportunities for themselves and their children.
Build it.
We train young women mostly teen mothers and single mothers in various skills including sewing, bead designing, hair dressing, catering among others. We have successfully sponsored over 100 young women in bead designing, sewing and hair dressing and still counting!
As part of our vision to create platforms that enable women to become self-sufficient, we have supported another group of women to start small scale businesses. This is to help them support themselves and their immediate families..
Grow it.
We identify hardworking women who are farmers who have between 5 to 10 children and farming is their sole source of income. We evaluate their challenges, land tenure system and supply them with farm inputs to expand their farms.